Sunday, 8 December 2013

Time to re- think

Today is Sunday 8th December 2013. I managed a 30 minute run this morning. Thank The Lord, because the lack of exercise has been killing me.

This is how my 8 days of pain relieve went.........

Thursday 28th - Sunday 1st......

Drove to twickenham on the Saturday, things not too bad. Then Sunday it went downhill fast. I ended up in the NHS walk in centre in Gt Yarmouth, not able to catch my breath because of my back spasms. Came out of there with........

Oh my god, the Tramodol opened up a whole new world, a very strange and weird new world. It took away the pain but that's because I didn't feel I was myself. The end of a good night on the beer would be close to how my head was spinning. On Monday it was spinning so much I could keep anything in my stomach, so had a visit to my Gp. This time a came out with........

This combination worked the best. The last step this week was.........

Had my back pushed, pulled and clunked..... Feels good though..... More work to do....

The lack of training has given me time to reflect and have a re think about how I go about things.

Number 1 ........ Need to spend more time on my flexibility. I know I have said it before, but this week really has been a reality check.

Number 2 ........ To help achieve number 1... I'm changing my run goals from distance to time.

Let's see how that pans out..

Good News on the fundraising front......

This blogs donation roll of honour

Paul Andrews.... An old Regt mate from my early days in the RAF

Astrid King..... One of my Walberswick ladies, a donation made from along way away in USA

Thank you thank you thank you.

Diary of a long distance runner

Sorry no entries to make.... Normal service will soon be resumed

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh, set back

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I've had a set back, back being the operative word. Last Thursday morning, I went out for my usual early morning run with the feeling that getting up for these runs was getting a good habit and routine instead of a chore. It was a bit of a chilly morning, so started slow to get myself warmed up. Then it happened. At 3.5 miles into the run, my mid back went into spasm. I had to slowly walk home,I was finding it hard to breathe and it felt like id been kicked by a horse. It's now Sunday and it's still not right. I do have this problem occasionally but hasn't been this bad for a good number of years.

In September 1993, I was on multi national exercise in Denmark with the Royal Air Force. During this exercise I was asked to go in a Belgian allouette helicopter

This aircraft is mainly used for scouting and information gathering. Returning back to the landing site, we came over a treeline. As we came over the trees a United States helicopter was in front. The Belgium pilot banked left to avoid collision with the aircraft to our front. This manoeuvre ended with the rotor blades hitting the grass. Turning the above into........

For me it resulted in a compressed fracture on one of the vertebrae in the middle of my spine along with a few other injuries. I spent along time in hospital and on a rehabilitation program. So to be able to do what I do today is testament to the military rehab staff at Wroughton military hospital in Wiltshire ( not sure if the facility is still there) and Headley Court in Surrey.
However things do come back to haunt me.. I need to realise this and take care of myself abit more....... Note to self....... Note to self......

Diary of a long distance runner.

Sunday 24th November 2013- 10 mile steady early morning run, nice cool and dry
Monday 25th November 2013- 5 miles steady run around two bridge circuit
Tuesday 26th November 2013 - 4 miles early morning run at a steady pace
Tuesday 26th November 2013 - 5 miles fast late afternoon around 2 bridge circuit
Wednesday 27th November 2013- 9 miles steady pace, early morning.
Thursday 28th November 2013 3.5 miles ouch there goes my back

This blogs donation Roll of honour

Michael Holyoak
Claire Whittonbury
3 anonymous donators

Thank you thank you thank you

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